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Tuesday, May 27, 2003

9:31:00 PM

I said that I might post 2 weeks ago, but working sure is tiring.
Preharps the next time i'm posting would be 2 weeks later.):
Recently, I had been working my hardest for my job,
More and more workers are fired.
In order to secure my job, I must work even hard.
If not ma would be tired out.
Ma told me before, Daddy wishes all of us to have good education,
So I have decided, After I had saved enough money,
I would go and study more...
But I wonder how long would it takes.
Time's running out, I got to go.
Have to sleep early to work tomorrow

- opps! it fell.

Monday, May 12, 2003

4:28:00 PM

First time using the computer to post on my newest blog!
I didn't know that blogging is so fun!
The blog is like an online diary!
All thanks to Vicky! My ex-classmate,
If not for her help, I might not even have a blog!
But I don't really like this blog-skin.
It looks so disgusting!!
But Vicky said that it's very cute... =.=
Today i'm not going to school...
Tomorrow, I would be working in the provision shop.
I am looking forward towards tomorrow.
Everything would be new by tomorrow.
New boss, new working area, and everything new!
I think it would be time to log out.
(It took me very long to type out every single words.)
Okay. Byebye. I might post tomorrow :)

- opps! it fell.


Ah Hock(nickname)
age:count yourself.

To be a student again
Earn lots of money for ma
See my daddy again
See siblings growing up





designed by JUNYING
photo from NOCTURNAL-DEVIL from deviantart


May 2003
June 2003
July 2003
August 2003
September 2004
May 2006
May 2010