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Saturday, May 29, 2010

4:51:00 PM

Lol. 4 years passed.
(instead more than 4 years since I last posted)
And Hi everyone!
Congrats to Ah Nya!
Ah Nya had already married!
And she is now living with her husband.
Ah Lin has almost finishing her college course!
And she is becoming to be a teacher soon.
My family are so proud of her.
Ah seng is currently serving the nation.
Ah kee is currently a junior manager in his company.
And as for me, I left Mr Chong's shop,
Ever since Ah kee started working.
And I studied hard to pass the examination,
a exam that see if one is qualified to be a
from next week, the boss is putting me in charge of the
anyways.. I got to go.
Good bye!!!

- opps! it fell.

Friday, May 12, 2006

7:38:00 PM

Oh my god!
2 years!!! 2 years!!!
2 years had passed!!!
Time really flies!!! (anyway, hello:D)
It had been 3 years since my father died.
Every year on his anniversary,
we would pay respect to him.
(not like we don't do it unless it's his anniversary)
Recently, I had started studying electronics.
I realised that it was very fun
and I started to work as a part time in Mr Chong's shop.
(I'm still trying to earn more pocket money.)
Ah Nya is currently working as a secretary,
and she's helping me to earn a living for the family.
This helped me to relieve some of my burden.
I will stop here today!!
Good bye :)

- opps! it fell.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

1:30:00 PM

It had been 1 year since I posted right?
I am sorry if it's too dead!
Not my fault you know?>.<
I have a tough job! (no choice)
Anyway, today when I'm working,
I came across this customer.
She bought stuffs which worth about $27,
and she gave me $50 expecting for change,
but I gave her $33 back!
How careless am I! >.<
Luckily, she returned me the $10 back!
How honest is she!
This type of customers are hard to come across.
That's all I have to say!
(And I will try to post again in near future)

- opps! it fell.

Tuesday, August 5, 2003

7:13:00 PM

Hi! It had been a while since I last posted!~
Ah Nya's form teacher told her that she should start typing!
Ma asked if this was a good advice,
I said that it is a good advice ,
as I think that it would be great if she works in office.
It's because,
I don't want Ah Nya and the others
to work under the hot sun just like me
I would rather that they work in a air-conditioned room
than working under the scorching sun.
Maybe I should stop here!
Bye :]

- opps! it fell.

Monday, July 21, 2003

9:06:00 PM

I'm very busy recently,
so I might not have enough time to post on this blog.
But I will still try my very best to post ^^
Lately, Mr Chong is very pleased with me,
Because I stayed very late in the shop to give extra help.
I did not grumble or complain and I worked very hard.
He gave me a pay increment:)
I was very happy to earn more money for the family.
My colleague, Ah Beng, is very lazy.
He always complain that there is too much things to do.

Mr Chong is always pissed off by him.
I hate to say goodbye...
But I really have to go.
Good bye!! :)
and Goodnight!

- opps! it fell.

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

1:20:00 PM

I was shocked!
That day,
Ma told me that everybody had already all gone to school,
but suddenly when i woke up,
I saw Ah Kee. He threw the bag to the floor with a crash.
When I asked him why was he still not leaving for school,
He yelled that he's not going to school anymore.
And I asked him why,
He said that he was going to get a job just like me.
Saying that he was unhappy that
He had to get scolded while I am riding on a bicycle.
Obiviously, he was jealous about me.
My idea of letting ma and my sibling not to worry about of me,
by talking big is not working .
But luckily I manage to calm him down.
And in the end he still went to school.
Anyway I should stop here.
Goodbye . :]

- opps! it fell.

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

7:59:00 PM

I'm so lucky to fork out time today to post.
Time flies,
1 month had past since I worked in Mr chong's shop
Today's work is really very TIRING!
The sun was shinning so brightly in the afternoon,
I had to ride on the bicycle to Redhill Estate to deliver the goods.
When I am going there, I had to push the goods up the hill!
But, after I finished delivering the goods,
I rode the bicycle down that hill so fast that I feel like flying!
At the bottom, I almost crashed into an Indian worker!
And the worker scolded me properly.
And when I'm at home,
I only told ma half of the story when I am riding down.
I tried to talk big infront of them,
so that they would not be worried of me.
I should be going!
Bye. :]

- opps! it fell.

Monday, June 9, 2003

5:15:00 PM

I really did keep my promise :)
I post in 2 weeks time!
Ah Seng came and stop by at the provision shop.
Mr Chong said to him that I worked very hard
and he was very pleased with me.
He than handed over 1 sweet to Ah Seng.
Ah Seng seems to be not satisfy with it.
He bargained for more sweets.
Mr. Chong then give Ah Seng more sweets.
Ah Seng than ran back home.
I went forward and told Mr Chong that I will pay for the sweets
But Mr. Chong said that it's okay and need not to pay him back
How nice is he! I'm glad that I worked there!
Think that it's time for me to go!
Bye. :]

- opps! it fell.

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

9:31:00 PM

I said that I might post 2 weeks ago, but working sure is tiring.
Preharps the next time i'm posting would be 2 weeks later.):
Recently, I had been working my hardest for my job,
More and more workers are fired.
In order to secure my job, I must work even hard.
If not ma would be tired out.
Ma told me before, Daddy wishes all of us to have good education,
So I have decided, After I had saved enough money,
I would go and study more...
But I wonder how long would it takes.
Time's running out, I got to go.
Have to sleep early to work tomorrow

- opps! it fell.

Monday, May 12, 2003

4:28:00 PM

First time using the computer to post on my newest blog!
I didn't know that blogging is so fun!
The blog is like an online diary!
All thanks to Vicky! My ex-classmate,
If not for her help, I might not even have a blog!
But I don't really like this blog-skin.
It looks so disgusting!!
But Vicky said that it's very cute... =.=
Today i'm not going to school...
Tomorrow, I would be working in the provision shop.
I am looking forward towards tomorrow.
Everything would be new by tomorrow.
New boss, new working area, and everything new!
I think it would be time to log out.
(It took me very long to type out every single words.)
Okay. Byebye. I might post tomorrow :)

- opps! it fell.


Ah Hock(nickname)
age:count yourself.

To be a student again
Earn lots of money for ma
See my daddy again
See siblings growing up





designed by JUNYING
photo from NOCTURNAL-DEVIL from deviantart


May 2003
June 2003
July 2003
August 2003
September 2004
May 2006
May 2010